Mckinney, TX 75071 (469) 667-4638

More Detailed Information About Our Painting Services

Joseph's Drywall and Painting Services is an experienced and reliable company that specializes in all sorts of drywall, painting, and other home improvement services. We are based in Mckinney, TX and if you are looking for professional drywall and other related services, feel free to stay on this page and learn more about what we do.

Drywall Repair Contractors

Drywall Repair

When it comes to repairing cracked walls and ceilings, we are definitely the most reliable company in the area you can trust. Our superior workmanship comes from our high level of dedication and attention to detail that set us apart from the rest. We can handle the following:

  • Loose or exposed drywall nails
  • Small Cracks
  • Holes Patch-Up
  • Loose Joint Tape
  • Damaged Corner Bead

We guarantee that your repairs will be completed in a clean and cost-effective manner. We only use the highest-quality compounds, spackled, cement, and other drywall products to ensure your wall has lasting durability.

Residential Painting

When it comes to providing wall decorating services for your residential needs in terms of color options, patterns, and work schedule, you can definitely count on us. For every house painting project, we always consider how to provide a warm and comfortable feeling for its residents and their guests. We have a special method to leave less odor but achieve the same results in terms of quality.

Custom Painting

The primary advantage of using custom painting is the vast array of color options available. Numerous householders disregard the significance of selecting an appropriate house color. They will apply two coats of inexpensive, low-quality paint and then leave it alone for the next few years. To get the most out of your painting efforts, you must select a color that was designed specifically for the purpose it serves. For instance, if you plan to paint the dining room, attempt to come up with a color that complements all the surrounding elements. 

Tile Services

Tile installation and repair are two other services you can count on us for. We are innovative when it comes down to repairing an existing tile installation or choosing styles of tiles to replace damaged or broken ones. Whether it is a tile floor or backsplash, we are able to do the job to your full satisfaction. 

Joseph's Drywall and Painting Services is the professional and experienced drywall contractor in Mckinney, TX that you should definitely get in touch with when looking for any of the services mentioned above. Call us at (469) 667-4638 for appointments and additional information now!

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